The composition of songs for each Sunday service is as follows:


These can be arranged into any order.

Once you have added the CLASSIC to PCO (see below), and updated the PCO plan, please advise the team for the day, so they can prepare (particularly the CLASSIC).


When we add a new song it is important for the congregation to become familiar with it, so we will use it every week for 8 weeks. Occasional exceptions are OK – if it particularly doesn’t fit a service, etc – as long as it is used most of these weeks.

Outside the 8 weeks, a ROTATE song should be used instead.


On the PCO songs page, apply a filter “ROTATE”:

Select from the filtered list taking note of the last scheduled date (generally prefer songs last used longer ago).


You will need to add your selected CLASSIC to PCO (see below), or if it is already in PCO, you will still need to check it (see below), as many of these were added by LV without arrangements, etc.

Please select the CLASSIC song from the following list:

Traditional Hymns
How Great Thou Art
It is well with my soul
Trust and Obey
Be thou my vision
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Here is Love
Amazing Grace (traditional)
I surrender all
Scripture in Song era
There is a Redeemer
As the deer
The Servant Song
Be still (for the power of the Lord)
Change my heart, O God
More recent
Shout to the Lord
In Christ Alone
Come people of the risen King
The Lords My Shepherd (Stuart Townsend)
King of Kings, Majesty
O Sovereign Lord
Amazing Grace, my chains are gone
10,000 reasons
Blessed be Your Name
I am carried
How Deep the Father’s Love
Jesus, What a Beautiful Name
Here I am to Worship
The Power of Your Love

Adding a song to PCO

Following this process closely is important, otherwise the correct song words won’t display in the right order and/or the band won’t have the sheet music they need.

Find the (correct version of) new song at https://songselect.ccli.com/. With this song:

  • Note the song number
  • Select the lead sheet, note the tempo and time signature
  • If needed, adjust the key until the highest prolonged note is no higher than a high D
  • Note the selected key
  • Click the download button, save as SongNameSheetMusicKey.pdf (GreatIsThyFaithfulnessSheetMusicC.pdf)

Add the song to PCO

  • On the PCO songs page, click “Add a song”
  • Enter the song select song number
  • Select “All Songs”
  • Click on the matching song
  • Set the correct key
  • Tick lyrics and chart
  • Click submit

Set the remaining attributes by continuing with the following song checking process.

Checking a song in PCO

If you need any of the following details, note the CCLI number, login to SongSelect, search the CCLI number there (see above)

On the PCO songs page, locate and open the song. Check/fix the below items:

  • Set the length. An educated guess is fine, if unsure make it 4:00
  • Set the BPM
  • Set the meter
  • Open “Lyrics & Chords”
  • Confirm the words are as expected. Amend as needed.
  • Work out the arrangement you want using the song parts available (Verse 1, Verse 2, Chorus, etc)
  • Return to the song page.
  • Create (or amend) sequence to be the required arrangement.

Add chord chart (if needed) and sheet music. The chord chart should already be there, however the sheet music is not automatically added. To do so:

  • Click the Files +
  • Drag/drop the PDF (downloaded from SongSelect).
  • Attach to the Key.