On Aboriginal Sunday, 19th Jan, Citywide Baptist Church headed outdoors to stand on country and appreciate the natural beauty of God’s creation. Looking out across Risdon Dam, it was a stark contrast to what happened 1km away at Risdon Cove in 1804 with the first recorded massacre in Tasmania. Paul Dare, a descendant of the Tasmanian aboriginal people shared some of Tasmania’s history and the tragedy imposed on our first-nations people through colonisation. As a church we stood in solidarity with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait brothers and sisters praying for a Safe, Free and Flourishing future together and in particular, praying for changes in our judicial system which shows that an Aboriginal child is 23 times more likely to be supervised by the state and 28 times more likely to face detention than non-indigenous people. For more info, see https://www.commongrace.org.au/.